When is a Lie Not a Lie?
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On Your Side
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Most first party insurance policies include a provision allowing the insurance company to take the sworn testimony of one or all insureds, called an Examination Under Oath ("EUO"). An EUO is like a deposition. The insurance company’s attorney verbally asks questions...
From Tilley to Gandy - Working in Shades of Gray Authored and Presented By: David D. Disiere Martin, Disiere, Jefferson & Wisdom, L.L.P. 808 Travis, Suite 1800 Houston, Texas 77002 Telephone:713-632-1700 Facsimile: E-Mail:...
AN UPDATE ON APPRAISAL: STATE FARM LLOYDS V. JOHNSON BY MARK A. TICER With a few exceptions and asterisks, the law on appraisal seemed relatively settled. Appraisal was viewed as an efficient method to determine amount of loss in most property policies. It could not...
A STAKE INTO THE HEART OF THE VAMPIRE: TAKING THE ADJUSTER'S DEPOSITION I. INTRODUCTION For the trial lawyer, there are very few experiences more satisfying than the smoking gun evidence and/or witness. While the adjuster is not typically considered a smoking gun...
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